Jac Morgan Hospital

Rugby star delivers some Christmas cheer to children’s ward

One of the newest stars of Welsh rugby has taken time out to brighten the day of children in Morriston Hospital.

Ospreys and Wales flanker, Jac Morgan, paid a visit to the hospital’s children’s wards to hand out Christmas selection boxes on behalf of Swansea haulage firm AT Morgan.

Jac, who starred in an otherwise disappointing Autumn international series for Wales, is a family friend of the firm’s owners, Helen and Stephen Morgan.

The 22-year-old was only too happy to help the couple given something back to the NHS after it cared for their daughter Megan, who sadly passed away in 2011 after fighting cancer for several years.

As well as the selection boxes the couple presented a cheque for £4,755 to the ward to help make young patients’ stay in hospital as comfortable as possible.

Mr Morgan said: “We lost our daughter, Megan, to cancer 11 years ago, so it’s a subject very close to our hearts.

“As a company we are always looking for things to do for the community and our operations manager suggested we raise money for the children’s ward for the children who, unfortunately, are in hospital over Christmas.

“We decided to do a 10 mile sponsored walk and whatever the staff managed to raise the company would double. We ended up with £4,755.”

Of their star guest he said: “Jac was in school with our daughter, Catrin, in Ysgol Dyffryn Aman in Ammanford, and we now sponsor him in the Ospreys.

“Hopefully they can use the money to buy some toys – just something to make their stay a little bit more bearable. We have seen many children, not just our own daughter on the wards, and it’s not a nice place for any child to be.

“We also bought some selection boxes to hopefully put a smile on their faces.”

Jac said: “I was asked by Helen and Stephen to come down to Morriston Hospital after they raised a lot of money for the children’s ward after their loss.

“It’s a privilege and an honour to be asked.

“It’s been great to see the children’s faces light up is really touching, and I haven’t stopped smiling since I’ve been here.

“To be able to hand out boxes of chocolate has been great.”

Jac Morgan 2


One youngster delighted to meet Jac was Evan Moore (pictured above with Jac).

His mum, Leanne Moore said: “I think it’s amazing that Jac has taken timeout to visit the children’s ward.

“Evan plays rugby for Waunarlwydd juniors and to meet some like Jac is fantastic for him – especially on the day that he is going to have his arm operated on.

“It’s really lovely that he’s doing this for the children.”

Evan said: “It was amazing to meet Jac Morgan.”