Preparations underway for big Welsh Varsity

Swansea University rugby team are in the midst of preparation for their biggest match of the season, the Welsh Varsity against Cardiff University.

The event is in its 17th year and Swansea have a proud record of 10 wins against their Cardiff counterparts. The match being held at the Millennium Stadium has a unique atmosphere and was last year attended by over 16,000 supporters.

The Swansea University team has a distinct Ospreylian feel to it with Head Coach Richard Lancaster (Ospreys U20’s Head Coach) and Daniel Griffiths (Elite Youth Performance Manager at the region and Bridgend Ravens Assistant Coach) preparing a side full of talented student athletes. Many of today’s Ospreys have played in previous Varsity matches such as skipper Alun-Wyn Jones, Sam Lewis and Jonathan Spratt, while Tom Smith has also played, albeit in the Red of Cardiff.

Lancaster commented:

“The match has grown and grown over the years and ticket sales so far this year suggest the 2013 match will be the biggest yet. It is a massive occasion for the players and for the wider University with the Swansea crowd painting Cardiff green!

“We are very proud of some of the Ospreylian talent on show such as Ravens’ captain Jonathon Vaughan, Wales Under 20s prop Nicky Thomas and other Premiership players such as Chris Francis, Ben Thomas and Jon Barley. The team is then made up of other Premiership and regional players who are all working hard to ensure we win the cup back!”

The standard of the rugby at the game is fast and exciting with the last two games at the Millennium Stadium resulting in 12 tries. This year’s match is next Wednesday, 24th April and is expecting a bumper partisan crowd.

Swansea University and Bridgend Ravens captain Jonathon Vaughan stated:

“It's a hugely anticipated game for all the players, the one we all build towards and get excited for. We are all looking forward to playing with such a strong Swansea following cheering us on. It is a massive honour for the whole team to be involved in this game at the world’s best rugby stadium and I would encourage anyone who is yet to sample the unique atmosphere to come along.”

Tickets are still available through Ticketmaster at £15 ( ) and will also be available on the night. For more information please visit