Taping and Strapping is a vital part of a rugby players kit to help make sure they can perform at the highest level. Knowing the players can ask questions of their bodies, feel protected, strong, and able to do what they need to perform.
Ospreys have teamed up with Physique as the Tiger Tapes, Official Sports Tape & Strapping Supplier to the team in the coming seasons.
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-time taper, the Tiger Tapes range from Physique has been designed so it’s easy to apply and totally comfortable, allowing players to do more, move freely and focus 100% on performance.
With Tiger Tapes, Osprey’s players can be confident that the tape they use will stay in place for the duration of a game or training session and will help them feel right and feel ready.

Kevin Peters, Managing Director at Physique said:
“Physique is so pleased to become the Official Tiger Tapes, Sports Tape and Strapping Supplier to Ospreys and to assist their medical team in looking after the players.
Having reliable tapes is something that’s essential to aid in maintaining the health and well-being of players and we know Tiger Tapes will contribute to helping Osprey’s players perform on the pitch and feeling ready to play.”
Chris Towers, Medical Performance Manager for Ospreys Rugby said:
“Our players have been using Tiger Tapes for a many years now, so they know that Tiger Tapes will perform well, support them where they need support and last for as long as they need them to.
Whether it’s providing that extra bit of support where it’s needed, helping deal with injuries or just adding a bit of confidence when a player is on the pitch, we can rely on Tiger Tapes to help our players be at their best.”
To view Tiger Tapes full range click HERE.