Ospreys Supporters Club | Clwb Cefnogwyr y Gweilch

Hoffai Clwb Cefnogwyr y Gweilch estyn croeso cynnes iawn i chwaraewyr, swyddogion a chefnogwyr Rygbi Glasgow heddiw! Mwynhewch y gêm

The Ospreys Supporters Club would like to extend a warm welcome to the players, officials and supporters of Glasgow Rugby today ! Enjoy the match!



Please Support our sponsors! Cefnogwch ein noddwyr, os gwelwch yn dda!



Hoffai Clwb Cefnogwyr y Gweilch estyn croeso cynnes iawn i chwaraewyr, swyddogion a 
chefnogwyr Rygbi Glasgow heddiw. Mwynhewch y gêm!

The Ospreys Supporters Club would like to extend a warm welcome to the players, 
officials and supporters of Glasgow Rugby today. Enjoy the match!

Fel pawb syn ddarllen yr erthygyl hon, dwi’n methu ddeall syt ni wedi golli y gêm yn erbyn Llewod Emirates! Roedd y canlyniad yn siomedig iawn, yn enwedid ar ôl scgorio tri chais, ond rhaid cyfaddef cymaint o welliant yn ein perfformiaid hefyd!

Yn ôl at y gêm heddiw a welsom ni dipyn o berfformiad gan Glasgow yn erbyn Rygbi Caerdydd yn eu gêm olaf!

Like everyone that is reading this article, I am still trying to come to terms with the fact that we lost last week’s game against Emirates Lions! Rarely do we score 4 tries and end up on the loosing side, but surely we must admit that we saw plenty of signs of improvement in our performance; this must bode well for the future!

Back to today’s game and we certainly saw an impressive performance from our visitors against Cardiff Rugby, in their last game! The boys will have to pull out all the stops, if we are to witness our first victory of the season today!

So come on Ospreys Supporters, let's get behind our team from the start!

The Spirit of Rugby Family, in one photo!

Lovely photo of two shipmates on leave, one from Ystradgynlais and the other from South Africa, enjoying the game last Saturday.



Notice of Annual General / Hysbysebiad Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol

All season ticket holders are cordially invited to attend the AGM for the season 2022-2023, at the Stadium, on Monday October 10th 2022.

Rydyn ni’n gobeithio gweld chi yn y CCB , mae cefnogaeth a diddoreb yn bwysig iawn i aelodau’r bwyllgor!

OSC Committee Vacancies

We invite applications for 3 committee vacancies, currently available. If you are interested, please contact secretary@ospreyssupportersclub.com. Please outline what you feel you could contribute to the committee.

All committee members must have current Ospreys Membership and be seconded by a current season member; therefore, please enclose both yours and your seconder’s membership number.

Closing date for applications Friday October 7th 2022.

Diolch yn fawr ac rydyn ni’n edrych ymlaen i glywed orhonoch!

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!

Bws Cefnogwyr/ Supporters Bus - Don't want to take the car to the rugby?

Supporters bus: OSC run a return service to the Stadium, from the Neath area, price: £10 for all @ospreys home games.

For more details, or to reserve a seat, contact jeff@ospreyssupportersclub.com



Future Stars Ser y Dyfodol

We are delighted to introduce 8 ear old Tomos Jones and here is what Tomos’mam Emma has to say about this future Ospreys player!

Tomos Jones is 8 years old and from Sketty. He plays rugby for Mumbles Under 9’s which he loves. He is rugby and Ospreys mad and is a season ticket holder in the East Stand where he attends matches with his mum, dad and two grandfathers. His knowledge of rugby facts, players and countries is amazing! He is also an East Stand season ticket holder for the Swans.

In June, Tomos travelled with his parents to South Africa to follow Wales on their summer tour. He had the honour of being the official Wales mascot in the first test at Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria and the third test at the DHL Stadium in Cape Town. He loved both experiences and proudly sang the anthem with the players. In the first test he wore his Wales anthem jacket with a pair of Ospreys track pants where he did some subtle advertising for the Ospreys as the logo was clearly visible on his leg!

He said that Dan Biggar was lovely and all the players from both teams were very friendly.

Thanks Tomos and Emma for sharing a little of your story with us! We will all be keeping a close eye on you in the future!



If you have a future star that you would like to feature her, please email: keitho@ospreyssupportersclub.com

Featured Club: Gorseinon Juniors Under 9 Team

Ospreys in the Community recently visited Gorseinon RFC and provided skills coaching and plenty of fun for these energetic youngsters! Great to see plenty of Ospreys shirts on display here! Worth bearing in mind that these youngsters are both the players and supporters of the future!

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Pobl yn y Stadle/ People in the Stand

Llun hyfryd o Andrew, Michelle and Phoebe Dene yn fwynhau y gêm yn erbyn Llewod Emirates!

A lovely picture of Andrew, Michelle and Phoebe Dean enjoying the game agains Emirates Lions!



Riverside Regulars

One of our most enthusiastic family of supporters travel from Reading and Birmingham to join other family members at Ospreys games! Here is Jemma Bennet, with Pippa Stewart and Oscar Ostron, at the the Lions game!



Dewch ymlaen y Gweilch! Come on the Ospreys!
