This Thursday (12th December) learners on Ospreys in the Community’s TACKLE programme will gather at the Village Hotel Swansea for the inaugural TACKLE awards!
After a hugely successful year schools, learners, partners and organisations will all be in attendance to celebrate the continued growth of the programme across the region.
Since the new funding from the National Lottery Community fund started back in March, the programme has gone from strength to strength. 83 schools’ sessions have been delivered to over 100 participants, and the benefits have been highly commended by those taking part. 79% stated that TACKLE has helped them improve their confidence and teamwork skills and 73% claim that TACKLE has improved their communication skills and open their eyes to learn about the wide range of opportunities available to them.
More than 2,000 hours of TACKLE has been delivered across all programmes during 2019 and 80% of those who attended a traineeship said that they would absolutely recommend the programme to their friends.
We’ll also be announcing our new Ambassadors at the awards who will help us to shape the programme in 2020.
The role of the ambassadors will be to raise profile of the programme and will all come from various backgrounds. Each one will have different passions with the hopes of developing new events, sessions and workshops. This might include targeting certain celebratory days or weeks e.g. Coding week or campaigns including “Girls into Technology.”
The awards also come after last week’s training week which saw 108 individuals attend including young people, volunteers, coaches, staff and Osprey players.
Girls at Gowerton Comprehensive school also took part in a Girls only Tackle day which included coding workshops from Discovery by Three to learn all about women in technology where only 5% of the roles are fulfilled by women! They also heard from community hub officer and Wales Women international, Kayleigh Powell on her rugby journey and the growth of women’s rugby in Wales.
Learners on the training week also underwent a coaching workshop with community officer, Joe Gage alongside the wider OitC family. First aid and mental health awareness talks, media workshops and inspiring talks about entrepreneurs from Big Ideas Wales, learners on TACKLE have been exposed to a variety of different options and possible career paths whilst on the programme over the past year.
Proving how successful TACKLE has been, just look at the results from our Summer Traineeship:
100% Completion
38 Positive Outcomes
45 Qualifications Obtained
59 Mock Interviews Delivered
9 Guest Workshops & Workplace Visits

Ar ddydd Iau, bydd dysgwyr rhaglen TACKLE yn ymgynnull yng Ngwesty Village Abertawe ar gyfer Wobrwyo TACKLE am y tro cyntaf erioed.
Ar ôl flwyddyn lwyddiannus, bydd ysgolion, dysgwyr, partneriaid a sefydliadau yn bresennol i ddathlu twf y rhaglen ar ledled y rhanbarth.
Ers derbyn cyllid newydd o Gronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol yn ôl ym mis Mawrth, mae’r rhaglen wedi mynd o nerth i nerth. Darparwyd 83 o sesiynau ysgolion i dros 100 o gyfranogwyr gan y prosiect. Mae’r buddion wedi derbyn clod mawr gan y rhai sydd wedi cymryd rhan. Meddai 79% bod TACKLE wedi helpu nhw gwella eu hyder a’u sgiliau gweithio mewn tîm. Mae 73% yn honni bod TACKLE wedi datblygu eu sgiliau cyfathrebu ac wedi agor eu llygaid i bob cyfle sydd ar gael.
Cafodd dros 2,000 awr o’r rhaglen eu darparu drwy gydol 2019, gyda 80% o fynychwyr yr hyfforddeiaeth yn argymell y rhaglen i’w ffrindiau.
Byddwn yn cyhoeddi ein llysgenhadon newydd yn ystod y noson wobrwyo, a fydd yn helpu ni i siapio’r rhaglen yn 2020.
Rôl y llysgenhadon, a fydd yn dod o gefndiroedd gwahanol, bydd i godi ymwybyddiaeth am y rhaglen. Bydd pob un yn angerddol am wahanol bethau, gyda’r gobaith o ddatblygu digwyddiadau, sesiynau, a gweithdai newydd. Gall y rhain gynnwys targedu dyddiad neu wythnosau penodol megis wythnos codio neu ymgyrchoedd gan gynnwys “Merched mewn Technoleg”.
Mae’r noson wobrwyo yn dilyn wythnos hyfforddi lle bu 108 o unigolion fynychu, gan gynnwys pobl ifanc, gwirfoddolwyr, hyfforddwyr, staff, a chwaraewyr y Gweilch.
Cymerodd merched Ysgol Uwchradd Gowerton rhan mewn digwyddiad diwrnod TACKLE i ferched yn unig a oedd yn cynnwys gweithdy codio gan Discovery by Three i ddysgu am fenywod ym maes technoleg, maes lle 5% yn unig o’r swyddi sydd wedi eu cyflawni gan fenywod. Cawson nhw gyfle i wrando ar Swyddog Canolbwynt Cymunedol a chwaraewraig rygbi rhyngwladol, Kayleigh Powell, a’i thaith rygbi a thwf rygbi menywod yng Nghymru.
Cafodd dysgwyr ar yr wythnos hyfforddi cyfle i fynychu gweithdy hyfforddi â swyddog cymunedol, Joe Gage, ynghyd â theulu estynedig OitC. Mae dysgwyr TACKLE wedi cael blas ar nifer o opsiynau a chyfleoedd swydd wahanol tra ar y rhaglen dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, gan gynnwys cyrsiau gymorth cyntaf, ymwybyddiaeth iechyd meddwl, a sgyrsiau ysbrydoledig ag entrepreneuriaid o Big Ideas Wales.
I brofi llwyddiant TACKLE, dyma gipolwg ar rhai o ganlyniadau ein Hyfforddeiaeth yr Haf:
100% cwblhad
38 canlyniadau positif
45 cymwysterau wedi eu hennill
59 Cyfweliad ffug wedi eu darparu
9 Ymweliad gweithle a gweithdy gwestai