Ospreys in the Community have been awarded a grant by the Welsh Government to help with our plans to promote the Welsh Language and “Get Creative with Cymraeg”.
Ospreys in the Community is delighted to be one of just 26 innovativeprojects to receive grant funding from the Welsh Government to promote Welsh in the community and Welsh language technology.
The Cymraeg 2050 Grant is a key element of the Welsh language strategy, Cymraeg 2050: A million Welsh speakers. It has provided small grants of up to £20,000 each to fund innovative, short-term projects that aim to increase people’s daily use of the language and to promote technology, which supports the use of Welsh.
Eluned Morgan, Minister for the Welsh Language and Lifelong Learning commented on the grants:
“We want the use of Welsh to be a routine part of everyday life so that speakers at all levels feel confident in using it in formal and informal situations. The projects announced today will make it easier for people to use the language, whether face to face in the community and in the workplace or through digital platforms.
“It is very heartening that we have had to increase the fund to accommodate the excellent projects put forward to us. We’re under no illusion about the challenge of creating a million Welsh speakers by 2050 and I’m delighted there are so many organisations and people who are willing to join us in this task.”
Ospreys in the Community plan to target primary school aged children across Ospreylia, with a secondary target of parents, teachers and volunteers across the region, by delivering a series of rugby sessions to non-Welsh speaking children using a range of sports and basic Welsh language words and phrases.
OitC will also develop a series of resource cards that can be used by volunteers, teachers and parents to reinforce the Welsh that is learnt as part of the activity sessions and to encourage use of the language outside of the sessions. These resources will have an open license, allowing other organisations to utilise them in future.
Other projects that will be completed thanks to the grant are a video piece on Ospreys TV and using social media to highlight and promote the Welsh language.
Paul Whapham, Foundation Manager Ospreys in the Community, remarked on OitC being awarded the grant:
“We’re absolutely delighted to have received funding from the Welsh Government to help us with this project. Our region has a significantly lower rate of Welsh speakers in comparison to the Welsh average so we feel the area is one of importance and with our brand presence and reach we can have a real impact on raising awareness and the use of the Welsh language amongst young people and families.
“Our approach is an innovative one that will allow people to develop their Welsh knowledge and skills and also their confidence in speaking Welsh by using face-to-face delivery and the use of digital technology, as well as utilising well known role models who speak Welsh.
“There is a lack of choice in Wales for people to take part in activities, such as music and sports, through the medium of Welsh and we hope that our project will start to play a part in trying to reverse this trend and give more people an inclusive environment to enjoy sport.”
Mae Grant Cymraeg 2050 yn elfen allweddol o Strategaeth y Gymraeg, Cymraeg 2050: Miliwn o siaradwyr. Bydd yn darparu grantiau bach o hyd at £20,000 yr un i ariannu prosiectau tymor byr arloesol sy'n ceisio cynyddu'r defnydd bob dydd pobl o'r iaith a hyrwyddo technoleg sy'n cefnogi'r defnydd o'r Gymraeg.
Eluned Morgan, Gweinidog y Gymraeg a Dysgu Gydol Oes,
"Rydyn ni am weld y Gymraeg yn dod yn rhan arferol o fywyd bob dydd fel bod siaradwyr o bob lefel yn teimlo’n hyderus wrth ddefnyddio’r iaith mewn sefyllfaoedd ffurfiol ac anffurfiol. Bydd y prosiectau a gyhoeddwyd heddiw yn ei gwneud hi'n haws i bobl ddefnyddio'r Gymraeg, boed wyneb yn wyneb yn y gymuned ac yn y gweithle neu drwy lwyfannau digidol.
“Mae'n galonogol iawn ein bod wedi gorfod cynyddu'r gronfa er mwyn gallu cefnogi'r prosiectau rhagorol a gyflwynwyd i ni. Gwyddom fod cyflawni miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050 yn her sylweddol, ac rwy'n falch iawn bod cymaint o sefydliadau a phobl eisiau ymuno â ni wrth i ni fwrw ymlaen â'r dasg hon."
Bydd Ospreys in the Community yn targedu gweithio efo plant oedran ysgol gynradd ar hyd Ospreylia, efo targed arall o weithio efo oedolion, athrawon a gwirfoddolwyr ar draws yr rhanbarth, trwy cyflwyno nifer o sessiynau rygbi I plant ddi-siarad Cymraeg gan ddefnyddio amrhywiaeth o chwaraeon a geiriau ac ymadroddion Cymraeg.
Bydd OitC hefyd yn creu cyfres o cardiau adnodd gall gwirfoddolwyr, athrawon ac rhieni defnyddio I atgyfnerthu y Cymraeg sydd wedi ei ddysgu yn y gwersi actifedd ac I annog defnyddio Cymraeg y tu allan or gwersi. Bydd gan yr adnoddau trwydded agored, fel gall sefydliadau arall defnyddio nhw yn y dyfodol.
Bydd prosiectau arall yn cael ei cwblhau ddiolch I’r grant yn cynnwys fideo ar Ospreys TV a hefyd gan ddefnyddio cyfryngau cymdeithasol I hyrwyddo yr iaith Cymraeg.
Paul Whapham, Rheolwr Sylfaen Ospreys in the Community, ar OitC yn nodi ar OitC yn dderbyn y grant:
“Rydym yn bles iawn I dderbyn arian oddiwrth Llywodraeth Cymru I helpu efo’n prosiect. Mae gan y rhanbarth cyfradd sylweddol isel o siaradwyr Cymraeg I cymharu a chyfartaledd Cymru a rydym yn teimlo fod yn pwysig efo’n presenoldeb brand y gallwn cyrraedd a cael effaith go iawn ar codi ymwybyddiaeth ar defnydd or iaith Gymraeg ymysg pobl ifanc a theuluoedd.
“Mae ein hymagwedd yn un arloesol a bydd yn caniatáu i bobl ddatblygu eu gwybodaeth a'u sgiliau yng Nghymraeg a hefyd eu hyder yn siarad Cymraeg trwy cyflwyno wyneb yn wyneb a'r defnydd o dechnoleg ddigidol, yn ogystal â defnyddio modelau rôl adnabyddus sy'n siarad Cymraeg.
“Mae diffyg dewis yng Nghymru i bobl gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau, megis cerddoriaeth a chwaraeon, trwy gyfrwng y Cymraeg a rydym yn gobeithio bydd ein prosiect yn dechrau chwarae rhan wrth geisio gwrthdroi'r duedd hon a rhoi mwy o bobl yn amgylchedd cynhwysol i fwynhau chwaraeon”.