Gower College Swansea receive new playing strip

Ospreys youngsters Justin Tipuric and Ben John this week presented the Gower College Swansea rugby team with their new playing strip, which is supplied by the region as part of the new college rugby programme launched recently.

The pair, both students at the college in it’s previous incarnation as Swansea College, handed over the kit to coach Dan Cluroe and captain Nathan Beck at Llandarcy Academy of Sport.

The new initiative is being operated in conjunction with the three further education colleges within the region, Bridgend College, Neath Port Talbot College and Gower College Swansea, with all three establishments working closely with the Ospreys’ Elite Youth Development department to provide an unrivalled rugby programme at each of their campuses, with the aim of ensuring a constant flow of quality young players through the system. 

It focuses on coach and player development, following the Ospreys philosophy and system of rugby to create a stronger sense of regional identity/ Ospreys staff will provide support and assistance to the college coaches, who in turn will follow a specially created development plan allowing them to enhance their own skills. 

The three colleges are all being supplied with brand new Kooga playing strip that incorporates Ospreys branding, as well as that of their associates, Italian clothing brand Freee – Back to Life,and Sony UK Technology Centre in Pencoed, both of whom are supporting the initiative.

Nick Bennett, Principal, Gower College Swansea, said: 

“We’re a new college in our current form, but we have long standing relationships with the Ospreys and are delighted to be associated with this initiative. We benefit hugely from this relationship, developing not only fine young rugby players, but personal skills across a whole range of young people in Swansea, and this partnership is only going to prove beneficial for all.”