Good news for OitC

Ospreys in the Community are starting 2019 with a huge boost after receiving a grant from the Big Lottery Fund to use for their TACKLE programme.

In the last month the BigLottery Fund have given out grants totalling £846,593 thanks to people playing the National Lottery, and Ospreys in the Community are delighted to be one of the 47 organisations who have benefitted from the awards.


The funding will be used to develop the Foundation’s successful TACKLE project, a form of which has been piloted over recent years in schools across the region. The programme is designed to benefit young people aged 12 – 16 who have been identified by schools as at risk of becoming, or who are, not in employment or education.


Thanks to the grant the project will become a two year programme for the teenagers and will use rugby as a tool to improve their self-confidence, interpersonal, employability and life skills as well as offering them a chance to explore different educational and employment opportunities for the future.


The project has already made a large impact on schools, staff and students as participants have become re-engaged with education, improving their attendance and attitude while in class. As the project will now be extended thanks to the Big Lottery Fund, it will allow even more opportunity to have a meaningful impact on their lives and futures, as Dorian Evans, OitC Employability Co-ordinator explains:


“We’re absolutely delighted to have been given this award from the Big Lottery Fund which will have such a massive impact on our project. With the funding we will be able to develop our TACKLE programme to work with even more disadvantaged young people aged 12 – 16 who live in our region. 


“We’ve had a lot of success so far with our pilot project for TACKLE, but it's really exciting that because of this funding we will be able to work with many more disengaged pupils than before and even more importantly we will be able to work with them for longer. We’ll now be engaging students in a new two year project meaning the impact on their self-confidence and interpersonal skills will be huge, and we will have more time to support them to gain qualifications and employability experience.”



Bydd Ospreys in the Community yn ddechrau 2019 efo hwb enfawr ar ol dderbyn grant gan y Gronfa Loteri Fawr i helpu rhedeg rhaglen TACKLE.


Yn y mis dwethaf, mae Gronfa Loteri Fawr wedi rhoi grantiau werth £846,958, ddiolch i’r pobl sydd yn chwarae’r Loteri Genedlaethol ac mae Ospreys in the Community yn falch iawn i fod yn un or 47 sydd wedi elwa o’r gwobrau.


Bydd yr arian yn cael ei ddefnyddio i ddatblygu rhaglen TACKLE, sydd wedi rhedeg peilot dros y blynyddoedd dwethaf mewn ysgolion ar draws y rhanbarth. Mae’r rhaglen wedi eu ddatblygu i weithio efo myfyrwyr o 12-16 mlwydd oed sydd wedi’u nodi gan ysgolion sydd mewn perygl o ddod, neu nad ydynt, mewn cyflogaeth neu addysg.


Diolch i’r grant byddwn nawr yn weithio am ddau flynedd efo bobl ifanc yn eu harddegau, mewn rhaglen sydd yn defnyddio rygbi fel offeryn i wella eu hyder, cyflogadwyedd a sgiliau bywyd. Byddwn hefyd yn ymchwilio gwahanol cyfleodd addysg a chyflog yn y rhanbarth i pob un or myfyrwyr ar y rhaglen.


Mae’r prosiect fel peilot yn barod wedi cael effaith fawr ar ysgolion, staff ar myfyrwyr wrth ceisio hailgysylltu rhain ag addysg, gan wella eu presenoldeb a’u agwedd yn y ddosbarth. Bydd y prosiect nawr yn ddatblygu o un hyd ddeg wythnos i ddau mlynedd, ac hefyd yn meddwl all Ospreys in the Community gweithio efo mwy o ddisgyblion y rhanbarth dros yr adeg, diolch i grant y Gronfa Loteri Fawr.


 “Rydym yn falch iawn ein fod wedi cael ei wobryo gan Gronfa Loteri Fawr, bydd hyn yn cael effaith enfawr are ein prosiect. Gyda’r cyllid yma, byddwn yn gallu datblygu ein rhaglen TACKLE i weithio efo mwy o phobl ifanc dan anfantais rhwng 12 a 16 oed sy’n byw yn ein rhanbarth.


“Rydyn wedi cael llawer o llwyddiant hyd at hyn efo peilot rhaglen TACKLE ond oherwydd yr arian hwn byddwn yn gallu weithio efo llawer mwy o ddisgyblion ac yn bwysicach byth, gweithio efo nhw am gyfnod hirach. Nawr fyddwn yn gallu gysylltu a myfyrwyr mewn prosiect newydd am ddwy mlynedd, sy’n golygu bydd yr effaith ar ei hyder a sgiliau personol yn un anfferth, a fyddwn yn cael fwy o amser i chefnogi rhai i cwblhau cymhwysterau a phrofiad gwaith.”