Gareth Jones Passes Away After Tragic Accident

The recent news that Gareth Jones passed away yesterday has shocked us all and everyone concerned with the Ospreys wishes to pass on their sincere and heartfelt condolences to Gareth"€™s family, friends and Neath RFC.

Gareth Jones passes away after tragic accident

The recent news that Gareth Jones passed away yesterday has shocked us all and everyone concerned with the Ospreys wishes to pass on their sincere and heartfelt condolences to Gareth's family, friends and Neath Rugby Football Club.

We were all naturally saddened and concerned on hearing the news of his injury when it happened, but like many, we were hoping that with time, progress would have been made and that he would have returned to a normal life. It was only after learning of the severity of his injury over the weekend that many of us realized that any form of recovery was itself not guaranteed.

This has been a terrible few months for everyone and it sends out a chilling reminder of the dangers that exist when taking part in physical contact sports. Like so many of us, Gareth probably rarely considered the 'dangers' and played the game for what it is.

Although this will be of little consolation to his family and friends, Gareth did what he loved doing and he will be remembered by all his colleagues and friends for his contribution to this great game.