Fitness & Nutrition Seminars Held For Ospreylia

A Fitness and Nutrition Seminar was conducted at Llandarcy Academy of Sport for coaches within the Ospreys Region. The event was led by Jason Larkman, Conditioning Coach for the Ospreys Age Grade teams...


A Fitness and Nutrition Seminar was conducted at Llandarcy Academy of Sport for coaches within the Ospreys Region. The event was led by Jason Larkman, Conditioning Coach for the Ospreys Age Grade teams.

A classroom session was first on the agenda with Jason outlining important areas for coaches to be aware of when advising their players on the subject of Nutrition. This was followed by an interactive fitness session in the 'barn'. Jason demonstrated a number of activities and identified the rationale and benefits to be derived.

The session continued with further classroom activities followed by a very lively question and answer session.

The feedback from the coaches present was very positive with requests that further seminars be conducted.

Tony Thomas, Ospreys Coach Development Officer advised those present that he would shortly be arranging a forum for all coaches to discuss the programme of seminars which had been held during this season and to seek input into a programme for next year. Details of this would be announced on the Ospreys website and all coaches on the database would be contacted by email.

Any qualified coaches who have not received email invitations to this year's events please contact Tony Thomas on so they can be included in all future mailings.