Ospreys and Spire host medical workshop

The Ospreys have teamed up with Spire Cardiff Hospital, the region’s official medical partner, to host a special CPD workshop for medical staff working in Welsh rugby.

Held at Spire’s Orthopeadic Centre of Excellence, it was the latest in a series of events organised by Chris Towers, Medical Performance Manager at the Ospreys, aimed at bringing together physiotherapists and doctors working within the four regions and at the WRU to share ideas, expertise and experience and drive best practice across medical departments.

As well as hosting the gathering which was attended by 25 staff members from across the Welsh rugby landscape, two of Spire Cardiff Hospital ‘s senior consultants also gave up some of their valuable time to present to the group.

Richard Evans, a shoulder specialist, discussed the challenging issue of suprascapular nerve injuries, supported by Nick Hess from the Ospreys medical team, who discussed return to play protocols. The second specialist, Andy Logan, a hand and wrist specialist, discussed the assessment and management of dorsal wrist pain, another difficult challenge in a sporting environment. 

Towers said that the event had been an overwhelming success: 

“In a busy working environment like professional sport it’s essential to commit time to professional development, which is why these events are so important. We had 25 members of staff from the four regions and from the governing body in attendance, all of whom would have found the evening to be of real benefit.

“We are extremely grateful to our partners at Spire Cardiff Hospital for their ongoing support and for hosting the evening. In particular, I’d also like to thank Richard and Andy for participating on the night and sharing their knowledge with those present.

“Like the Ospreys, Spire Cardiff Hospital is committed to supporting professional development and raising medical care standards in rugby, and we look forward to continuing to work with them on all matters relating to player welfare.”

Sarah Lloyd-Davies, Hospital Director, Spire Cardiff Hospital said:

“One of the foundations supporting the Orthopaedic Centre of Excellence ethos is to share the expertise of our leading consultants through quality education.  We were delighted to work with the Ospreys, as their official medical partner, whilst also bringing together the four regions and the WRU in hosting this event. 

“The enthusiasm to share ideas, experience and expertise was overwhelming. We are confident this collaboration will support best clinical practice and therefore we look forward to working with our partners on future events.”